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Zaira Aguilera

Employer Relations Specialist

BA, Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley

How did you get here?
During my undergrad at Cal, I worked at Berkeley Career Engagement through work-study. I loved working here so much that I asked about extending the opportunity after graduating in December 2023, and here I am now!

Who do you work with? What’s cool about your job?
I work with employers and students to facilitate on-campus recruitment. I love that I’m able to help students feel better about upcoming interviews and coffee chats!

What’s the best career advice anyone has given you?
“Be true to yourself and everything will fall into place” — From early on, there’s a lot of pressure to decide your passion and career path, and trying to decide can be overwhelming, but as long as you’re doing something you enjoy, you’ll find where you need to be. 

I love trying new food spots! Especially if it involves coffee or a specialty food… I have to try it!