Finding part-time job openings
The first place to look for a part-time job is Handshake, Berkeley Career Engagement’s exclusive online database of both on and off-campus job listings. You will find a variety of part-time positions located on campus or within an easily commutable distance. The number of part-time openings listed will likely increase as the semester begins. To access current part-time listings in Handshake, login and click on Jobs.
Work study
Work Study positions are restricted to students eligible for financial aid who have received a Work Study award. Refer to the Work Study site for information about eligibility, guidelines, program regulations and current job listings.
Other resources for part-time student employment
On campus
- Rec Sports Facility
- Cal Dining Services
- Campus Libraries
- The Disabled Students Program on campus has information on working as attendants for students with disabilities. Contact for more information.
- Paid positions at Residential and Student Services Programs through the Division of Student Affairs
Off campus