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LinkedInWith over 600 million users across the globe, LinkedIn is the go-to resource for professional networking. Use LinkedIn to:

The First Step: A LinkedIn Profile

You’ll need your own LinkedIn profile to build your personal LinkedIn network and gain visibility with employers and contacts. Create your profile using the LinkedIn Profile Checklist (pdf).

Further Important Steps

  • First impressions count! Be sure your photo is a professional…no sunglasses or party photos.
  • To brand yourself, create a compelling headline for your profile that refers to a unique personal strength or skill.
  • Include recommendations from your supervisors, instructors, and colleagues on your profile. This will impress potential employers.
  • Use professional courtesy when messaging new contacts. Use a concise 5-point email for connecting and requesting interviews.
  • Be sure to include a few people with large LinkedIn networks among your connections – you’ll have access to a larger pool of people for networking.
  • Create status updates to share personal career news and items of career interest.
  • Join several groups in your career field and contribute to discussions of interest to you; you’ll build rapport with other professionals.