- Prerequisite requirements vary between schools.
- Make sure to check the requirements of each school you are considering.
- It’s best to begin your research on physical therapy programs sooner than later.
A comprehensive list of physical therapy programs by state, including admissions deadlines, entrance requirements, credentials awarded, fees etc. can be found on the PTCAS (Physical Therapy Centralized Application Service) website.
Following are some of the most common courses required and recommended.
General Chemistry, 2 semesters of general chemistry with lab
Chem 1A/1AL, 1B or
4A, 4B or 4A,
Biology, 2 semesters with lab
Bio 1B, 1A/1AL
Physics, 2 semesters with lab
Physics 8A, 8B or Physics 7A, 7B or Physics 7A, 8B
Human Anatomy, 1 semester with lab
IB 131/131L
Physiology, 1 semester with lab
MCB 32, MCB 32L: Introduction to Human Physiology; Introduction to Human Physiology Laboratory
IB 132, IB 132L: Human Physiology; Human Physiology Laboratory.
MCB 136, MCB 133L: Physiology; Physiology and Cell Biology Laboratory
Courses such as Physiology, Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology are often also required.
Not offered at Berkeley, check with your health professions advisor for suggestions.
Stats, 1 semester
Stat 2 or Stat 131A or Stat 20
English, 2 semesters
Courses that satisfy the Reading and Composition requirement at Berkeley will fulfill PT school English coursework requirements for most PT schools.
Humanities, Social & Behavioral Science, Most schools require 1 semester of an introductory course/s in psych and/or additional social science coursework
Psych 1 (for majors) or Psych 2 (for non majors)
Foreign Language
Knowledge and cultural competency in at least one foreign language is strongly recommended and required by some schools