Whether you are planning an information session, a tech talk, a case interview workshop, or coffee chats, a well-orchestrated event can be an integral part of your overall campus recruiting strategy. It allows you to promote your organization, its opportunities and meet prospective candidates. We encourage you to contact Employer Relations to consult about the timing and location of your event.
There are currently no masking requirements on campus. Check with the venue for any updates or the University Health Services’ COVID-19 information page.
Step 1: Plan Your Date & Time
Most information sessions happen during September/October for fall and February/March for Spring. We recommend that you coordinate the date of your information session with other campus activities, such as:
Berkeley Career Engagement does not book events in the Blue & Gold rooms or at other campus/local venues. You must make all of the arrangements directly with the facility you choose. Once you have confirmed all details, post the event on Handshake.
Step 3: Advertise Your Event
Always post your events Handshake at least 2 weeks prior as we need to review and approve each event. If you do not have permission to add events, contact employer relations. We also recommend that you:
Request our Student Email Service to send your customized email to selected students in Handshake. This service costs $250/per message (for nonprofits and government organizations $150/per message);
Use Handshake's tools to create a customized search and message students you would like to invite to your event;